2024 Drill Schedule


January 13-14 July 6-7
February 3-4 August 3-4
March 2-3 September 7-8
April 6-7 October 5-6


May 4-5 November 2-3


June 1-2

December 7-8

*Mandatory drills


Cadets are required to attend at least 75% of mandatory Drills (on or off base). Punctuality is essential! Report to and be picked up upon dismissal exactly at the specified time published on the Plan of the Month (POM). When the drill is a field trip, cadets must be dropped off and picked up to and from the location of the field trip (often within 1 or 2 hours of driving distance.) Please be aware that this schedule may change.

Drill Location:

Shield Training Facility
4300 Caterpillar Rd., Redding, CA 96003